Carbon (climate) literacy education syllabus for 1st to 5th grade elementary school students

This curriculum draws inspiration from the document "Greening curriculum guidance Teaching and learning for climate action" and provides a framework for incorporating the principles of green education and climate awareness for the teaching of pupils of the 1st to 5th grade of primary schools.

Education is a powerful tool for transforming the world and stimulating long-term action on climate change. This guidance responds to calls from young people for a holistic approach to climate change and sustainability in the curriculum. It outlines a common language on how quality climate change and sustainability can be reflected in the curriculum by setting expected learning outcomes by age group (from 5-year-olds to 18+ age groups, including a lifelong learning approach).

This is key to accelerating action at country level and ensuring joint monitoring of progress. The goal is for 90 percent of all countries to include climate change in their curricula by 2030, as set out by the Partnership for Environmental Education.

Here is the curriculum for the education of pupils of the 1st to 5th grade of primary schools, which is based on the principles of green education and climate awareness:

1st year:

  • Weather and seasons:
    • Knowledge of basic weather phenomena (rain, sun, snow, wind).
    • Observation of changes in nature during the seasons.
    • The influence of weather on the life of people, plants and animals.
    • Creative activities: drawing pictures about the weather, singing songs about the seasons.
  • Plants and animals in our surroundings:
    • Observation and naming of common types of plants and animals around school and home.
    • Basic needs of plants and animals for life (water, light, heat, food).
    • Caring for plants (e.g. growing a flower in the classroom).
    • Animal protection (e.g. production of bird feeders).
  • Caring for our planet:
    • Waste sorting - basics (paper, plastic, glass).
    • Saving water and energy in the classroom and at home (turning off lights, closing water taps).
    • The importance of cleanliness and order in the classroom and surroundings.

2nd year:

  • Earth - our planet:
    • Basic knowledge of the Earth as a planet (shape, division into continents and oceans).
    • The importance of water for life on Earth (water cycle in nature).
    • Air and its importance for life.
    • Creative activities: making a model of the Earth, simple experiments with water and air.
  • Diversity of nature:
    • Getting to know different types of ecosystems (forest, meadow, aquatic environment).
    • Food chains in nature - simple examples.
    • Endangered species of plants and animals and their protection.
    • Creative activities: drawing pictures of animals and plants, dramatizing fairy tales with an environmental theme.
  • We behave ecologically:
    • Importance of recycling and composting.
    • Ecological purchases - choosing products with respect to the environment.
    • Saving paper and other materials.
    • Creative activities: production of toys from waste materials, games with an environmental theme.

3rd grade:

  • Climatic zones of the Earth:
    • Basic climate zones and their characteristics.
    • The life of people, plants and animals in different climatic zones.
    • Human influence on the climate (greenhouse effect - simple explanation).
    • Creative activities: working with a map, presentations about different countries and their climate.
  • Water – a rare resource:
    • The importance of water for the life of man and nature.
    • Water pollution and its consequences.
    • Saving water at home and at school.
    • Creative activities: design of a poster about saving water, implementation of the "Water Day" project.
  • Energy around us:
    • Different sources of energy (renewable and non-renewable).
    • Electricity production - basic information.
    • Saving energy in the home (proper ventilation, use of daylight).
    • Creative activities: production of posters on energy saving, presentations on various energy sources.

4th grade:

  • Climate change:
    • Causes and consequences of climate change - global and local.
    • The impact of climate change on the life of people, plants and animals.
    • Possibilities of how we can mitigate climate change.
    • Creative activities: discussions, projects focused on climate protection.
  • Forest – our treasure:
    • The importance of the forest for man and nature.
    • Plants and animals of the forest.
    • Endangerment of forests (deforestation, pollution).
    • Forest protection - what we can do.
    • Creative activities: walks in nature, production of information materials about the forest.
  • Transport and environment:
    • Different types of transport and their impact on the environment.
    • Ecological forms of transport (bicycle, walking, public transport).
    • Road safety - cyclists and pedestrians.
    • Creative activities: design of a poster on ecological transport, realization of the project "To school by bicycle".

5th grade:

  • Global problems of humanity:
    • Climate change, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity.
    • The impact of global problems on the lives of people in different parts of the world.
    • Possibilities for solving global problems - international cooperation.
    • Creative activities: discussions, presentations, projects with environmental themes.
  • The consumer in the 21st century:
    • The impact of consumption on the environment.
    • Responsible consumer - how to shop with respect to the environment.
    • Advertising and its influence on our consumer behavior.
    • Creative activities: design of an ecological shopping bag, presentations on responsible consumer.
  • Sustainable development:
    • The concept of "sustainable development".
    • Principles of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental.
    • Sustainable development in practice - examples from different areas of life.
    • Creative activities: "Sustainable School" project proposal, presentations on sustainable development.

Important principles:

  • Education should be interactive and experiential – involvement of pupils in practical activities, games and projects.
  • Cooperation with the family and the local community is important.
  • Using different sources of information – books, magazines, internet, excursions, discussions with experts.
  • Emphasis on the development of students' critical thinking and responsibility for the state of the environment.

This draft outline is only starting point and it is necessary adapt the specific conditions of the school and the age and interests of the pupils.

In the following days, we will publish details of individual thematic units.

This outline was prepared by our AI. (CO2AI)

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The entire document

Greening curriculum guidance: Teaching and learning for climate action