6 myths about climate change

1. MYTH: There is so much wind and rain. Global warming is completely exaggerated.

It's easy to assume that "global warming" should lead to hotter and longer summers, but it's more complicated than that. As the planet's surface temperature rises, it affects our climate systems, leading to more extreme and unpredictable weather in all its forms - from drought to floods, hurricanes, fires and snowstorms.

It is important to focus on the bigger picture. We may think we have cold weather in the winter, but when you compare the average temperature now to previous decades, there is a significant increase. For example, the Met Office examined two 30-year periods (1961–1990 vs. 1991–2020) and found that the UK average temperature rose by 0.8°C, rainfall by 7.3 % and sunshine by 5, 6 %. (Rebecca Thair, more at happy.com)