The answers are so clear that even the United Nations (UN) was surprised: in a major survey with participants from all regions of the world, 86 percent demanded that countries and governments put their conflicts aside to work together to fight the global threat. climate change to reduce. "I think no one expected such a clear signal," the head of the United Nations Development Program UNDP, Achim Steiner, told the German public association ARD. UNDP, in cooperation with the University of Oxford, surveyed 75,000 representatively selected people in 77 countries. This included a good 9,300 people with no formal education. A good 1,200 of them were women over 60 – “one of the hardest groups to survey,” according to the UNDP. The findings across all education and income levels are clear across the globe: 80 percent of humanity would like their governments to do more to combat the climate crisis. (David Ehl, more at