The main quantified objectives of the NECP within the Slovak Republic until 2030 are the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for sectors outside emissions trading (non-ETS) by 20 % (the share was increased from the originally declared level of 12 %). The use of RES in final energy consumption is set at 19.2 % in 2030, with the required goal of 14 % of RE in transport being met. Processed measures for achieving the national contribution of the Slovak Republic in the field of energy efficiency show slightly lower values (30.3 %) than the European target of 32.5 %. The industrial and building sectors will be key to achieving the goals. The interconnection of electrical systems is already above the 50 % threshold and will remain so in 2030, so the goal of at least 15 % will be met. (More on Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030 [pdf])