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COP28. COP29. COP30

The COP is a regular international forum where UN contracting parties meet to discuss measures to address changes in the climate crisis. Each COP conference is numbered according to the order, for example COP26 was held in 2021. COP28 will be held in the United Arab Emirates at Expo City in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023. In this category, we will bring you current information from COP28. .


Sprievodca klimatickými udalosťami 2025

Prehľad klimatických podujatí naplánovaných na rok 2025. Zoznam zahŕňa rozsiahly výber konferencií, summitov a fór, zameraných na udržateľný rozvoj, ochranu oceánov a riešenie klimatickej zmeny. Medzi najvýznamnejšie patria COP30 v Brazílii a rôzne stretnutia OSN. Udalosti sú rozmanité, od high-level summitov po iniciatívy zamerané na mládež.

  • 5. február: Fórum partnerstva ECOSOC, sídlo OSN, New York, USA
  • 5. – 7. marec: Svetový summit o udržateľnom rozvoji, New Delhi, India
  • 12. – 13. marec: 12. ročník Svetového summitu o oceánoch a výstava, Tokio, Japonsko
  • 12. – 13. marec: Fórum OSN pre rozvojovú spoluprácu, sídlo OSN, New York, USA
  • 12. – 13. marec: Globálne fórum pre udržateľnú energiu pre všetkých, Bridgetown, Barbados
  • 2. – 5. apríl: Globálny summit mládeže o klíme, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazília
  • 15. – 17. apríl: Fórum mládeže ECOSOC, sídlo OSN, New York, USA
  • 30. apríl – 1. máj: Future Days 2025, Lisabon, Portugalsko
  • 21. – 23. máj: Financovanie pre feministickú budúcnosť, Madrid, Španielsko
  • 26. – 30. máj: Globálne fórum IMFN 2025, Kemptville, ON, Kanada
  • 9. – 13. jún: Konferencia OSN o oceánoch 2025, Nice, Francúzsko
  • 16. – 26. jún: Konferencia OSN o zmene klímy v Bonne 2025, Bonn, Nemecko
  • 14. – 23. júl: Fórum na vysokej úrovni o udržateľnom rozvoji 2025, sídlo OSN, New York, USA
  • 10. – 11. september: 13. medzinárodná konferencia o udržateľnom rozvoji, Rím, Taliansko
  • 9. – 15. október: Svetový kongres ochrany prírody IUCN, Abu Dhabi, SAE
  • 12. – 14. október: Svetový summit o zdraví 2025, Berlín, Nemecko (a online)
  • 20. – 24. október: 6. svetový kongres o agrolesníctve, Kigali, Rwanda
  • 4. – 6. november: Druhý svetový summit o sociálnom rozvoji, Dauha, Katar
  • 10. – 21. november: Konferencia OSN o zmene klímy (COP30), Belém, Brazília

Hlavné výsledky COP29

COP29, často označovaná ako „finančná COP“, sa konala v roku 2024 a jej hlavné zameranie bolo na vytváranie a odsúhlasenie mechanizmov financovania klimatických opatrení. Dva hlavné výsledky tejto konferencie sú:

1. Dohoda o novom kolektívnom kvantifikovanom cieli v oblasti financií (NCQG)

2. Sprejazdnenie medzinárodného systému obchodovania s uhlíkom pod dohľadom OSN podľa článku 6 Parížskej dohody

Dohoda o financovaní klímy

COP29 bola vyvrcholením trojročných rokovaní o NCQG. Dohodnutý cieľ stanovuje základy pre klimatické financovanie po roku 2025. Kľúčovým rozhodnutím je strojnásobenie ročného cieľa financovania z súčasných 100 miliárd USD na 300 miliárd USD do roku 2035. Rozvinuté krajiny budú vedúce pri mobilizácii potrebných prostriedkov. Inkluduje sa aj cieľ 1,3 bilióna USD ročne pre rozvojové krajiny do roku 2035, avšak tento cieľ nie je právne záväzný.

Mnohé rozvojové krajiny odmietajú väčší dlh na klimatické opatrenia, namiesto toho požadujú granty a koncesné úvery. Prvýkrát sa formálne uznávajú dobrovoľné príspevky od rozvojových krajín, čo otvára dvere pre krajiny ako Čína prevziať aktívnejšiu úlohu v klimatických rokovaniach OSN.

Sprevádzkovanie trhov s uhlíkom

Po deviatich rokoch rokovaní sa strany na COP29 dohodli na pravidlách pre medzinárodný systém obchodovania s uhlíkom podľa článku 6 Parížskej dohody. Tento systém umožňuje krajinám obchodovať s kreditmi za zníženie emisií, čo má motivovať investície do projektov znižovania emisií a podporovať trvalo udržateľný rozvoj.

Dohoda stanovuje, že krajiny môžu začať rozvíjať svoje národné trhy s uhlíkom a facilitovať medzištátne obchodovanie. Trh s uhlíkom by mal byť účinným nástrojom na presviedčanie krajín na znižovanie emisií a podporu udržateľného rozvoja.

Úspechy a neúspechy COP29

Konferencia sa posudzovala podľa štyroch kritérií: NCQG, nové a ambiciózne NDC, dohoda o článku 6 a strata a poškodenie.

1. Nový kolektívny kvantifikovaný cieľ v oblasti financií

– Dohoda o NCQG je považovaná za relatívny úspech, hoci len „vyzýva“ krajiny splniť cieľ 1,3 bilióna USD a ukladá povinnosti len na čiastočné mobilizovanie financií.

2. Nové a ambiciózne NDC

– Niekoľko krajín, vrátane Brazílie, Spojených arabských emirátov a Spojeného kráľovstva, oznámilo počas konferencie nové NDC, čo vytvára tlak na ostatné krajiny. Neúspech v rokovaniach o globálnej inventarizácii (GST) však ostáva výzvou.

3. Dohoda o článku 6

– Dosiahnutá dohoda o trhoch s uhlíkom bola považovaná za jeden z hlavných úspechov COP29.

4. Strata a poškodenie

– Dosiahnutý bol len malý pokrok v otázkach kompenzácií za straty a škody, čo bude pravdepodobne zdrojom konfliktov na budúcich rokovaniach.

5. Zablokovanie rokovaní

– Napriek dohodám v kľúčových otázkach NCQG a článku 6, ďalšie rokovania, ako sú výsledky GST a finančné otázky, boli presunuté na neskôr.

Výhľad na COP30

Brazília bude v novembri 2025 hostiť COP30, kde sa očakáva niekoľko kľúčových vývojov:

1. NDC

– Krajiny majú do konca februára 2025 predložiť nové NDC. Tieto predstavujú plán, ako krajiny prispejú k klimatickým cieľom.

2. Financie v oblasti klímy

– „Cestovná mapa z Baku do Belému“ určí konkrétne kroky na dosiahnutie cieľa 1,3 bilióna USD.

3. Článok 6

– Prvý rok fungovania trhu s uhlíkom pod článkom 6 sa očakáva prinesie kľúčové poznatky a testovanie nových pravidiel.

4. Poradné stanovisko Medzinárodného súdneho dvora

– Stanovisko poskytne usmernenie o povinnostiach štátov v súvislosti s klimatickými zmenami.

5. Reforma mnohostranných rozvojových bánk

– Potreba reformy na zabezpečenie efektívnejšieho financovania klimatických opatrení.

6. Organizácia COP30

– Brazília sa snaží využiť daždovú pralesnú symboliku Belemu a zamerať sa na diplomatickú spoluprácu. Je pravdepodobné, že začnú výzvy na predloženie ambicióznejších NDC na nadchádzajúci COP. Co2AI

COP29: Aké sú kľúčové výsledky?

Pri našej poslednej aktualizácii o COP29 sme stále čakali na výsledky z niekoľkých kľúčových oblastí, vrátane hlavnej zmluvy o klimatickom financovaní. Aj keď je bežné, že COP predlžujú svoje rokovania, až v nedeľu po oficiálnom ukončení bol predstavený nový kolektívny kvantifikovaný cieľ v oblasti klimatických financií (NCQG), čím sa poukázalo na intenzitu záverečných diskusií a náročnosť stanovenia všeobecne prijateľnej sumy financovania.

Konečný prísľub vo výške 300 miliárd dolárov ročne zo strany rozvinutých krajín je výrazne pod očakávaniami rozvojových krajín a vyvoláva otázky o jeho ambicióznosti v kontexte Parížskej dohody. Ako však uviedol generálny tajomník OSN, Antonio Guterres, hoci sme možno očakávali viac od oblasti financií a mitigácie, táto dohoda poskytuje základ ďalšieho rozvoja.

Tento brífing podrobne opisuje NCQG a ďalšie významné témy z COP29, vrátane medzinárodnej dohody o uhlíkových trhoch, úlohy súdov v klimatických sporoch a snahy Spojeného kráľovstva o posilnenie svojej pozície ako lídra v klimatických zmenách.


1. Klimatické financie

2. Uhlíkové trhy

3. Úloha súdov v klimatických sporoch

4. Vedúca úloha Spojeného kráľovstva na COP29

5. Čo nás čaká ďalej?

1. Klimatické financie

Ústredným bodom na COP29 bolo schválenie NCQG, ktorý nahradí starší cieľ 100 miliárd USD z roku 2009. Text NCQG požaduje, aby rozvinuté krajiny do roku 2035 ročne poskytovali minimálne 300 miliárd USD rozvoj8ovým krajinám. Hoci tento prísľub prekračuje pôvodný návrh 250 miliárd USD, stále zostáva za predstavou minimálneho financovania 500 miliárd USD.

Vyhlásenie naznačuje, že požadované financovanie by malo pochádzať z rôznych verejných a súkromných zdrojov, vytvárajúc tak investičné príležitosti na podporu ekologického prechodu, najmä ak pôžičky a granty nedosiahnu očakávaných 1,3 bilióna dolárov do roku 2035.

2. Uhlíkové trhy

Pokrok v oblasti uhlíkových trhov na COP29 zahŕňal prijatie medzinárodných štandardov pre globálny trh s uhlíkom, a zlepšenie integrity uhlíkových kreditov, čo poskytuje väčšiu istotu pre investície.

3. Úloha súdov v klimatických sporoch

COP29 sa venovala rastúcemu významu súdov v riešení klimatických sporov. Diskusie sa zamerali na úlohu súdnictva v presadzovaní klimatických opatrení a právnych nárokov vyplývajúcich z environmentálnych práv.

4. Vedúca úloha Spojeného kráľovstva na COP29

Spojené kráľovstvo sa počas COP29 zameralo na prevzatie vedúcej úlohy v ekologickom prechode, zavádzajúc ambiciózne ciele znižovania emisií. Dohoda s USA o jadrovej technológii je tiež súčasťou jeho širšej stratégie.

5. Čo nás čaká ďalej?

COP30 sa bude konať budúci rok v brazílskom Beléme, kde by mali všetky strany Parížskej dohody predstaviť aktualizované NDC. Úlohou bude dosiahnuť medzinárodný konsenzus o opatreniach potrebných na riešenie klimatických zmien. Spring

COP29 climate talks end with $300 billion annual pledge

After two weeks of intense negotiations, delegates at COP29, formally the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), agreed to provide these funds annually, with an overall climate financing goal of "at least $1.3 trillion" by in 2035".

Countries also agreed on the rules of a UN-backed global carbon market. This market will facilitate the trading of carbon credits and encourage countries to reduce emissions and invest in climate-friendly projects. (More on

COP29: Joint press release on the 1.5°C-balanced ambition in the NDC towards net zero

The United Kingdom, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates have announced NDC targets to 2035 that set a high bar for ambition. GZERO countries Bhutan, Madagascar, Panama and Suriname have already achieved net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Canada, Chile, European Union, Georgia, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland aim to submit additional NDCs which are:

  • In line with IPCC emission trajectories and global assessments, they require deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5°C;
  • Absolute economy-wide emission reduction targets covering all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories; a
  • Aligned with a sharp and credible reduction in emissions towards their net zero targets by mid-century, consistent with a linear or steeper trajectory.

Together, we recognize the urgent need for action to address the climate crisis and the critical role of major emitters in putting the world on the 1.5°C path. We are committed to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement and keeping 1.5°C within reach, and we recognize the significant economic imperatives and opportunities for strong climate action. (More on

COP29 so far: The good news and the bad news

Record high emissions of greenhouse gases from power plants, cars and boilers burning fossil fuels mean our planet is warming faster than at any time in half a billion years. This temperature spike appears to be accelerating further in 2023 and 2024, threatening sudden changes in the Earth system – such as the collapse of the Amazon rainforest – that could change our world. (By Jack Marley, The Conversation, more at

New initiatives launched by the COP 29 UNFCCC Presidency

The COP29 Presidency recently launched the Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste and the Baku Harmoniya Climate Farmers Initiative.

  • The Declaration builds on the work of previous COPs by supporting the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge (GMP) by 2021, which was launched at COP26.

On the reduction of methane from the declaration of organic waste

  • The signatories declared their commitment to set sectoral targets to reduce methane from organic waste in future NDCs and to establish policies and roadmaps to meet sectoral methane targets.
    • Organic waste is the third largest source of anthropogenic methane emissions after agriculture and fossil fuels.
  • It was developed in collaboration with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) convened by UNEP.
    • CCAC is a voluntary partnership established in 2012 to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) such as methane, black carbon, HFCs and tropospheric ozone.
  • Signatories: 35 countries (India is not a signatory), accounting for 47 % of global methane emissions from organic waste.

About the Baku Harmoniya climate initiative for farmers

  • This is a new aggregator platform launched by the Azerbaijani Presidency of COP29 with the UN FAO.
  • Objective: Helping farmers navigate various programs to support the transformation of agri-food systems resilient to climate change, catalyze investments and empower farmers, especially women and youth.
  • It will be hosted by FAO as part of the Food and Agriculture Partnership for Sustainable Transformation (FAST).
    • FAST is a multi-stakeholder platform based on COP27 (2022) working to strengthen the quantity and quality of climate finance in agri-food systems for the most vulnerable groups.

What is COP29 and why is it being hailed as the 'financial COP'?

As climate change worsens, the 29th annual UN Climate Conference, aka COP29, taking place from 11 to 22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, is a key chance to increase global efforts to tackle the problem. As the world experiences severe weather events and record high emissions, the summit will focus on important topics such as climate finance, national targets and ways to tackle climate damage.

Nearly 200 countries will come together, and what happens here will shape international climate policies for years to come. Let's break down all the important details you should know about this crucial climate debate. (Jennifer L, more at

Developing countries are least responsible for climate change, but are most affected by it. Will COP29 address this injustice?

Since the Industrial Revolution, country after country has turned to fossil fuels to power transportation and industry. Now the bill is due. There are huge volumes of long-stored carbon in the atmosphere that are warming the planet. Climate disasters are becoming more frequent and worse.

But the pain of climate change is not shared fairly. Developing countries are worst off, despite emitting far fewer greenhouse gases. To date, two regions – Europe and North America – have contributed 60 % of total global emissions. This has made them much richer, but at a cost borne largely by those of us in the Global South.

That injustice will be in the spotlight this week when leaders and diplomats gather in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the annual UN climate talks. Climate finance is at the fore - specifically the vexed question of who pays. (Imraan Valodia, Julia Taylor and Katrina Lehmann-Grube, The Conversation)

COP29 Azerbaijan put the climate fund on ice

Azerbaijan's presidency was expected to unveil one of its flagship — and most controversial — initiatives at COP29's "finance day": a new climate fund with money voluntarily contributed by countries and fossil fuel companies.

But the Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF) has all but disappeared from the agenda. When asked by Climate Home about this, Azerbaijan's chief negotiator, Jalchin Rafiyev, cryptically said that the COP hosts had formed a working group to "develop a concept that would be feasible and acceptable" to donor countries. (More on

Can COP29 in Baku meet climate commitments?

The negotiations at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan, are a crucial test of global resolve against climate change. Countries from all over the world are meeting to discuss and agree on joint actions to support existing contributions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent further global warming.

Key challenges and expectations

COP29 comes at a time when global temperatures are on the rise and the number of extreme climate events is increasing. Therefore, the negotiations not only have to prolong the life of already existing promises, but also ensure their more effective implementation. However, the problem remains the question of financing - especially for developing countries, which support the most in adapting to climate impacts. These to more richly provide the required financial support in a fund that helped them adapt by providing the country with sustainable energy sources at the same time.

According to some experts, it is crucial that COP29 not only come up with new goals, but also provide mechanisms that monitor countries' progress in achieving their climate goals. These mechanisms should be transparent and measurable to ensure trust between items and to ensure that all commitments are met effectively.

Key body of COP29

  1. Financing adaptation and mitigation : Much of the discussion concerns the creation of a strong framework for financing, where developing countries require specific commitments from rich countries. One solution is to increase contributions to the Green Climate Fund, which was used for the adaptation and development of sustainable technologies.
  2. Transition to clean energy : The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is one of the goals of COP29. Participating countries will discuss how to increase carbon reduction and encourage investment in solar, wind and other forms of renewable energy.
  3. Protecting biodiversity and reducing deforestation : Degradation of forests and reduction of biodiversity are serious climate threats. Therefore, one of the main goals of COP29 is to find mechanisms to protect natural ecosystems that serve as "carbon sinks" and contribute to maintaining ecosystem stability.
  4. Support of technologies and innovations : Technology and innovation play a key role in achieving climate goals. The discussions would have concrete plans to finance technological innovations that reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enabled greater decarbonisation of industry.

A significant turning point for climate diplomacy

COP29 can be a major turning point for global climate efforts if countries can agree on American but also real steps. However, a series of failures to change the funding and transparency negotiations remains a warning. Critics warn that if a way to measure and track commitments is not achieved, COP29 could end up as another forum where promises are not kept.

On the other hand, optimists believe that and the ever-increasing number of climate disasters create an urgent need to unite efforts. COP29 in Baku therefore represents an opportune opportunity to create a stronger commitment that contributed to a more sustainable future and halted or slowed down the progress of the climate crisis.

If COP29 lives up to expectations, it could be a significant step for the world towards averting the catastrophic consequences of climate change.

COP29 The world must reach carbon neutrality much sooner than planned.

World leaders offered conflicting views on how to tackle climate change at a UN-led meeting on Wednesday, as a new report warned the world must reach carbon neutrality much sooner than planned. Planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions from oil, gas and coal rose to a new record this year, according to preliminary research by the Global Carbon Project, an international network of scientists.

The news came as leaders gathered in Azerbaijan for the COP29 climate talks, aiming to reach an agreement to increase funding to help poorer countries adapt to climate shocks and transition to cleaner energy.

To keep the Paris Agreement's ambitious target of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius within sight, the world would now need to achieve net zero CO2 emissions, research has found to the end of the 1930s - instead of 2050. (Laurent THOMET, more at

A guide to climate change jargon and abbreviations

The aid sector loves its acronyms. Mix in some climate science and the political language of global treaty negotiations, and you have a recipe for a (rapidly heating) pot of alphabet soup. Here's our updated guide to some language abbreviations, acronyms and initialisms that help make the language of climate change a little more concise, if not entirely clear.

We also mix in some key concepts that underlie climate action and summit negotiations. (Irwin Loy, Will Worley, more at


The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 to 22 November 2024. This year, the EU pavilion will serve as an information and networking hub. We invite you to explore what the EU is doing at home and around the world to meet its climate commitments. Visit the pavilion and find out how the EU is driving change through policies, projects and international partnerships to protect the planet and its people. (More on

What is the NAP assessment at COP29 and why does it matter?

Climate change adaptation is becoming a key strategy for countries around the world, especially as global temperatures continue to rise. They were created to achieve this goal national adaptation plans (NAP) , which help countries strengthen their resilience and systematically prepare for the consequences of territorial changes. At the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which is being held in Baku, Azerbaijan, one of the main agenda items will be the progress of the NAP process. This process and its assessment are of fundamental importance for accelerating adaptation to climate change and mobilizing the necessary resources for the country, which is most vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis.

What is the NAP process?

National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) were created within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2010. The main objective of the NAP is to help countries plan and integrate adaptation measures into their national policies and development strategies. they have become a fixed part of decision-making, planning and financing.

Since its inception, the NAP process has undergone considerable development, including the preparation of technical guidelines, capacity building and the opening of special financial instruments to support the development of countries. Supporting initiatives such as NAP Global Network , provide technical assistance and knowledge sharing to help improve the NAP process and help countries move from planning to implementation.

The significance of the NAP assessment at COP29

At the COP26 conference, countries agreed that the evaluation of the NAP process should be completed at COP29. This assessment is an important opportunity for:

  • Knowing the importance of adaptation and the NAP process : Adaptation focuses on preventing the impacts of climate change before its greatest consequences are felt. Evaluation at COP29 to draw attention to the importance of adaptation measures as a basic step in climate policy.
  • Appreciation of the adaptation contexts of developing countries : Developing countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change. However, they are making important progress in adaptation despite limited resources, so it is important to recognize their efforts and disseminate their successes and best practices.
  • Highlighting challenges and needs : The evaluation of the NAP will make it possible to identify obstacles that complicate the effective introduction of adaptation measures. Developing countries face a lack of resources and technical support, which limits their ability to respond to the climate crisis.
  • Providing recommendations for the future : The NAP process is not static – it is a dynamic plan that adapts to needs and experience. The assessment can provide recommendations for improving and scaling up adaptation measures, including financing strategies, and help countries move from planning to implementation.

Current status of the NAP process

In 2015 and 2018, countries faced the task of assessing the progress of the NAP process, as many countries had only just started implementation and the lack of available information. Today, the situation is significantly different – as of November 1, 2024, the NAP has already submitted its documents 59 developing countries and more than 140 countries the NAP process has begun. This significant progress proves that the country is adapting seriously and at the same time that it is sufficiently evaluated which are working best and which areas require further support.

It is important for the country that I gain insight into what is preventing them from adapting more effectively. The COP29 conference offers an opportunity to jointly evaluate results, find where there are gaps and determine priorities for the next period.

Evaluation results: What should the final decision contain?

The final decision on the evaluation of the NAPs at COP29 should be fair and truly balanced, considering their efforts to adapt to climate change. This decision should:

  1. Recognize the adaptation efforts of developing countries over the past decade, particularly the progress it has made despite various obstacles.
  2. Highlight key challenges and needs in the NAP process, including the lack of technical capacity, financial resources and geographical differences in adaptation that make faster implementation difficult.
  3. Signal the urgent need to speed up adaptation measures and transition of countries from planning to implementation of important projects. The NAP process must be inclusive and fair so that no one is left behind, and should also include principles such as gender equality and social inclusion.
  4. Provide recommendations for improving adaptation financing : COP29 will have a strong focus on NAP financing and evaluation by reflecting the current challenges of developing countries in gaining access to adaptation finance.
  5. Focus on exchanging best practices and successful cases of adaptation , which can serve as a model for other countries. Support networks, such as the Global NAP Network, can help leverage best practices and provide countries with better tools for effective adaptation.

Why does the NAP evaluation at COP29 matter?

It is necessary to prepare the evaluation of the NAP at COP29, to improve the effective implementation of national adaptation plans. Adaptation is the only way to reduce countries' vulnerability to climate change and their resilience. While the Paris Agreement aims to mitigate environmental change, adaptation is equally important for countries to manage the impacts they are already experiencing.

This assessment will also provide insight into what is working and what needs to be improved in order for the country to move from planning to implementation. The need to move from strategies to the actual project is more important today than before. COP29 is thus an opportunity to strengthen this commitment and motivate countries to take further steps in the fight against climate change.


The evaluation of the NAP process at COP29 in Baku is a key step to accelerate adaptation measures worldwide. Although the country has made progress in adaptation planning in recent years, implementation itself remains slow and uneven. The final decision of COP29 must provide clear direction to countries on how to use barriers and increase funding to make the transition from planning to implementation as beneficial and efficient as possible.

Adaptation to climate change is key to a sustainable future, and the evaluation of the NAP process will provide a country with important insight that will not only help me manage climate challenges, but also the resilience and prosperity of their societies. Spring

COP 29: Another over-promised and under-achieved climate summit?

In connection with the UN climate summit (COP29), which is to be held from November 11 to 22 in Baku, Azerbaijan, the US presidential election is approaching. For now, the US delegation to the summit will be led by John Podesta, senior adviser on international climate policy. It is difficult to predict whether the United States will have its own climate envoy by the time COP30 takes place.

The US election is not the only puzzle of the summit. More worryingly, COP29 is divided on its obvious goal: climate finance.

The Baku COP is so focused on climate finance – and its new collective quantified goal (NCQG) – that it has been dubbed the “Finance COP”. According to the NCQG, wealthy member states determine their quantified contributions to the annual climate finance targets agreed upon after President Barack Obama's active intervention in 2009 at COP15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Developed countries at COP15 agreed to contribute $100 billion annually by 2020. However, they did not fulfill this promise until 2022, and that too only twice. (Tarique Niazi, more at

Everything you need to know about COP29, the UN climate change conference

This year we have once again seen the dramatic consequences of the continued burning of fossil fuels around the world, such as Hurricane Debby in Quebec, the fires in Jasper and flooding in southern Ontario. Around the world, millions of people have been displaced, injured and even killed by climate catastrophe.

It is in this context that world leaders will meet from November 11 to 22 in Baku, Azerbaijan, to continue global efforts to address the climate crisis. This important meeting, known as COP29 (meaning "Conference of the Parties"), is the 29th year of UN climate negotiations since the creation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1995.

Before this important moment, here are the key things you need to know. (Alienor Rougeot, more at

COP29: Carbon markets must be fixed, but they are not a quick fix for the climate crisis

The world is dangerously close to the 1.5°C temperature rise limit set by the Paris Agreement, and the UN warns that unless course is reversed, the world is on track for a catastrophic warming of 3.1°C by the end of the century. , humanity is spewing more planet-warming gases than ever before. These alarming signals make it abundantly clear that we need to massively reduce our collective carbon footprint, but most of the world's governments are fighting back.

At the previous climate conference, COP28, governments made a historic pledge to transition away from fossil fuels, but failed to translate this into additional action or ambition. In addition, they also failed to meet the voluntary carbon market commitments they announced in Dubai.

With another oil nation, Azerbaijan, deepening its commitment and investment in fossil fuels at the forefront of COP29, and other countries either increasing their emissions or not reducing them fast enough, the prospects for COP29 appear bleak. But it is imperative that governments take their collective responsibility and halt our spiraling descent into climate disaster. (More on

Nature, climate and land

Everything you need to know about this year's three big environmental conferences. Climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, desertification and drought are deeply interconnected aspects of the planetary crisis.

With most of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) currently off track, we must act urgently to manage this crisis and secure a livable future.

This year, three major environmental Conferences of the Parties (COP) are being held over the course of six weeks.

They represent a unique opportunity to solve our most pressing problems head-on and together. The challenges we face do not exist in isolation, and neither do solutions. The outcome of the COP is crucial for our future.

Here's what you need to know.