August 1 is Earth Overshoot day 2024, the day of overuse of the Earth, which is calculated annually by the Global Footprint Network, an international organization for sustainability. It marks the official exhaustion of renewable resources that the planet is able to offer during the year. This means that on August 1, humanity has exhausted all the resources that nature would have produced for the entire year 2024 and is starting to get into debt. This is because man consumes excessively, which exceeds the natural regenerative (and reabsorptive) abilities of the planet. The impact is not only the end of available resources, but also exceeding the CO emission limit 2 , that is, the moment in which climate-changing gases released into the atmosphere exceed the ability of ecosystems to absorb them. The date is calculated by dividing the amount of ecological resources that the Earth is capable of producing in a year by the demand for resources that humanity needs in that year, multiplied by x365. (More on