During the July plenary sessions in Strasbourg, Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected as President of the European Commission. During her speech in the Parliament, she talked about what her priorities will be during the next mandate based on the political guidelines developed by the Commission under the name European Choice.

A few topics seem particularly relevant to the forestry sector:

  1. Climate goals until 2040 - the way to them
    The EU has committed to reducing carbon emissions by 90 % by 2040 compared to 1990 levels, and forests will play a big role in achieving this goal. The climate goals until 2040 will be reassessed again during the coming period.
    EUSTAFOR provided feedback to the Commission on how best to use our natural resources. As stated in our new manifesto, forests can contribute to the targets by storing, sequestering and replacing carbon. It will play a major role in the coming years.
  2. Bio and circular economy
    Prosperity and competitiveness were explicitly mentioned in Von der Leyen's speech, as was the implementation of the Green Deal. In March, the Commission presented a new Biomanufactoring & Biotechnology initiative, and in 2025 the bioeconomy strategy will be updated. In order to stimulate the marketing of biotechnology, a new law on biotechnology will be proposed in 2025.
    The New European Bauhaus, an initiative launched four years ago, will expand during the new term to include the creation of energy-efficient and affordable housing in the EU.
    The focus on the bioeconomy and the Bauhaus offers opportunities for innovation and expansion in the forestry and timber sector. It will be a focal point for EUSTAFOR to promote active, multifunctional forestry and the responsible use of our forest resources.
  3. Research and innovation
    In light of competitiveness, the Commission will increase their research spending to focus on more strategic priorities, basic research and disruptive innovation. For this purpose, the European Research Council and the European Innovation Council will be expanded.

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