A guide to the initial phase of CBAM

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) begins with a transition phase from 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2025. The new "carbon tax" applies to certain categories of imported goods from non-EU countries that have high CO emissions during production 2 . The aim of its introduction is to prevent possible circumvention of EU legislation in the field of combating climate change by importing goods from third countries that do not apply EU measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The mechanism is supposed to align the prices of imported goods with the actual carbon intensity associated with them. (Agnieszka Kisielewska)

CBAM includes:

  • Cement (selected products from chapter 25 of the combined nomenclature of the European Commission or CN);
  • Electricity (CN code 2716 00 00);
  • Fertilizers (including codes belonging to headings 2808, 2814, 2834, 3102 and 3105, with the exception of CN heading 3105 60 00);
  • Goods in the steel industry; for example, iron and steel and iron and steel pipes (selected products in chapters 72 and 73 of the CN); a
  • Aluminum (selected products from chapter 76 of the CN).